Meet The Authors
The skilled authors who write for Product Scoop are made up of dedicated individuals who know how to evaluate the positives and negatives of each product. Specifically they understand how to sort through the hype and marketing that each product carries with it. They attempt to conduct objective research that includes familiarizing themselves with existing product reviews, conducting cross product comparisons and looking for specific product qualities that someone researching a product will need to know about. Hopefully the end results is a distilled “scoop” of the product that allows you to get answers to your questions in fraction of the time it would have taken you to do the research yourself.
I am a graduate of North Central College in Illinois and hold a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Spanish. At 27 years old and a mom of two, I have gladly welcomed a career of freelance writing. This rewarding opportunity has allowed me to stay at home, while contributing to the family budget. Even with tight resources, I can’t help but shop, which is why I’m committed to finding the best products for the money!
I am a 28 year old graduate of the University of Minnesota. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Sport Management but decided to go the complete opposite direction with my career and write on a freelance basis. I actually began my writing career as a stay at home father. I quickly found myself with lots of time while my new daughter slept and dove into the world of freelance writing, and I haven’t looked back.
View all posts by Matthew McCabe
Part-time freelance writer and mostly stay-at-home mom, I enjoy spending time with my preschool-aged twin girls and hubby. When not busy typing away at the computer, I love to read anything and everything. Movies and music are both big hobbies of mine as is cooking and finding new ways to stretch our family budget. I enjoy reviewing anything related to children and the home.